Thursday, July 07, 2005


I hate the existence of tears
they only tell my lost battles,
narrate my sorrows and defeats,
as they roll and fall on my cheeks
when my heart is already in split.

I hate the existence of tears
they let me keep within a sin,
which is to dwell and tightly hold
all the bitter things I have
when somehting I cannot burst out.

I hate the existence of tears
they remind me of what I've lost,
Instill in me that I won't grow,
that I am an underrated,
though I have given my best.

I hate the existence of tears
they confine me to reminisce,
which make me too melancholic,
and rarely to be nostalgic
ambivalent, I am indeed.

I hate the existence of tears
because whenever they are here
I cannot help myself but be
one who have two contrasting traits:
Someone who cries, yet hate those tears!

- This poem was written on May 5, 2002, Sunday, between one and Three o' clock in the afternoon