Sunday, March 22, 2009

4-in-1 BBQ Party

AB Pasaway will have a BBQ party tonight at Leizel's Place in Duhatan, Lipa City. It is a 4-in-1 affair because we will roll into one our get-together and the celebration of Hanzel's, Emy's and my birthday.

I am excited about our gathering for the following resons:

* our AB Pasaway shirt bearing our respective traits
* the food we will prepare (uhuh, sah will not be the chef this time)
* the stories and experiences we will share

It's two more hours before I log-out and commute to SM Lipa to help in buying our needed goods...

More notes tomorrow...

Some of the attendees:

The food we prepared and feasted:

Here is the surprise Birthday cake the Pasaway prepared for us. Please note the age indicated. Guess the [funny] reason behind.

BTW, July introduced to us her friend whom she call (and we opted to call) Chief. he is the guy wearing red. (Karen, hidden desire ba yan?)