Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Accomplishment Checklist

Hello everyone! Back to work (but not feeling so, hehehe... but this is another story) ^_^

Anyway, among my "To do List" I was able to accomlish only three things and left one half-done.

Shown below is the list with the respective remarks (X for unaccomplished, INC for Incomplete, / for Done):

X crochet projects my cell phone case and a tortoise
X tissue paper project: book mark
X scrap book arts and crafts
INC blog articles (just made some notes and collated photos)
/ read novels (a lot)
/ general cleaning of my cabinet (I should do this frequently)
/ organize my files (at last! my files since my first day of employement are now intact)

My creative juices were not active during the four days vacation. I hope they will kick-in on one of the coming sundays...


witsandnuts said...

You've got interesting crafting line up there. =)