Thursday, June 18, 2009

It fits my feet # 3: Pink-Violet slippers

This slippers was actually bought by my tatay for my mama. However, it didn't fit my mom's feet. To my advantage, it fit snugly to my size 5 feet. I am very glad that my mom hand me down this pair of slippers. ^_^


witsandnuts said...

Thanks to hand me down from your mother. I agree the pair looks good with your feet. =)

reninlagrio said...

you're right Ms. Jo! Actually, the slippers I like/have seldom looks good with my feet. This pair of hand me down slippers made my feet look better that it raeally is.... hahaha

ms firefly said...

i lovveeeeiiitt!
it's gorgeous on you, and the color is so yummy!

Unknown said...

this hand-me-down slippers really looks yummy. it reminds me of halaya (sweetened ube) ^_^